Lavant Horticultural Society, Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex
covering Lavant, Summersdale & neighbouring areas
Spring Flower Competition
This event took place at March’s meeting. Full results now avaiiable, see the Shows page.

Meteorological spring starts on March 1 and represents the time when weather transitions from cold to warm. Whatever the weather there are plenty of jobs to do in March.

Richard Ramsey
9th April
7.30 pm.
Lavant Memorial Hall
Good well-rotted horse manure available free of charge.
Located in East Ashling with good vehicular access.
Must fill into own bags - bring own shovel/spade.
Click here to get collection details:
This manure is produced by the ponies of the Cherry Park rda driving group, a registered charity offering carriage driving to disabled and disadvantaged adults and children.
Although there is no charge, a cash donation at collection would be much appreciated.
Every penny helps keep the group going!
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so keep checking for the latest news
last updated 26th March 2025
Header image: Iris Reticulata
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