Live in Lavant, Summersdale or nearby?
Why not join Lavant Horticultural Society?

and enjoy its lively programme:

Meetings are held in Lavant Memorial Hall.

All this for £10 per person for the year.

Regular meetings are then free to members.
Visitors are welcome to our monthly meetings at £3 each.

New members will find a warm welcome.

Just click the button below to submit your details and
Membership Secretary, Margaret Rhodes, will contact you.


Lavant Horticultural Society has a card that can be loaned to any LHS member that will entitle that member and one adult guest to a 50% reduction on the entry price to RHS Gardens.
Clearly, this could be very interesting for any of our members who are not themselves members of the RHS.

Any member interested in borrowing this card, click below:

Annual Buffet Supper
Wednesday 10th July 2024

Some 60 members enjoyed this year’s Annual Buffet Supper.

The traditional”Bring and share” format produced a wide variety of tasty savoury dishes and salads. Members were also spoiled for choice by an excellent selection of mouth-watering deserts.

A taxing quiz added to the conversations around the tables.

Many thanks to Liz Hewitt for setting up a well balanced selection of food and to her and her team for organising the evening so well.

In all, a very enjoyable evening!

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Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 8th November 2023

Secretary, Margaret Rhodes, had sent all the AGM documents to all members to read in advance, which helped to expedite the official business. In her role as Membership Secretary, she reported membership at 149 with quite a few new members. Treasurer, Lesley West, pointed out that the Society’s finances were in good condition, with an increase in funds due mainly to the proceeds from the Annual Plant Sale.
The Meeting confirmed the Committee’s proposal to maintain the annual subscription at £10 for another year.

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LHS' 50th birthday cake

Chairman, Mike Kingsford  reported that the Society continued to flourish. The Annual Plant Sale even surpassed last year’s record, especially due to the sales of plants donated by LHS members and others from the local community. In spite of the rain and wind, which meant that the marquee could not be erected, Annual Flower Show still saw a large number of entries, attracting lots of visitors and praise from the judges for its high standards.

Mike thanked the large number of members without whose help  the Show, Plant Sale and other activities, would not be possible, with a special mention for Liz Hewitt and her team who continued to do such a good job with the refreshments.

Lesley West introduced the impressive 2024 programme.

LHS Officers: Mike Kingsford, Margaret Rhodes and Lesley West agreed to run for another year as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer respectively and were re-elected unanimously.
Committee: the other six current members, Liz Hewitt, Linda Hughes, Beryl Starkey, Sue Jackson, Bob Wiggins and Alison Butcher, also put themselves forward for another year and were elected unanimously.

Mike made presentations on behalf of the Society to Roger Hart (an RHS certificate in recognition of his outstanding contribution to LHS) and to Jennie and Lindsay Deans, who were stepping down from managing the drinks for LHS events, which they had done so well over many years.

The highlight of the evening was the celebration of the Society’s 50th birthday (at least!), with a glass of bubbly and a piece of delicious birthday cake (moist, rich fruit cake with marzipan and icing), made by Committee member Linda Hughes.
Everyone drank a toast to the next 50 years.

Mike had found the first written confirmation of LHS’ existence in the Memorial Hall records of 1973.
Sue Jackson’s research into back copies of the Chichester Observer had found reports on the shows of some antecedents, including the Lavant and District Horticultural and Industrial Society, going back to 1920. The “Industrial” part, overseen by a committee of ladies, seems to have been domestic (rather than heavy), one of the classes being for ironing a shirt (will the Show Committee be considering this for the 2024 Show Schedule?).

A very enjoyable evening.

Don’t just look after your plants,
make sure you look after yourself!

LHS member and retired physiotherapist, Fenella Sowden, gave a talk with demonstrations on how to take care of yourself, both working in the garden and underlying fitness, with the emphasis on the prevention of problems.

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Use the links listed below to follow-up on the points that she made, accessing further information and details of appropriate exercises.

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Lavant Horticultural Society's Privacy Policy (GDPR-compliant)

In order to run our society efficiently, we collect personal information about our members and hold it electronically. This information is only used to manage the Society’s affairs and to communicate with members. It will never be sold or disclosed to any third party, unless required by court order.

Members are asked to confirm their personal contact information and to let the Membership Secretary know when it changes.  The information is held securely on the personal computer of the Membership Secretary, and may be shared with the Chairman.  It may also be shared with a Collector in relation to members on their Collection List and with the Show Secretary and/or Social Secretary.

If a member does not renew their membership for a period of two consecutive years, the Society will delete all that person’s personal information from the records.
A member or ex-member can at any time require the Society to remove all record of their membership from the file.

Adopted by the AGM held on 14th November 2018