Click on name of any event (in blue) for more details
Tea/coffee is served AFTER our afternoon meetings in January & February,
served BEFORE our evening meetings, from 7.00 pm.
November AGM refreshments BEFORE the meeting.
Wednesday 15th, 2.30 pm.
NB this is the 3rd Wednesday of January
‘Parham Gardens, moving forwards’
Andrew Humphris
Thursday 30th, 2 pm
Self-drive garden visit
Highdown Gardens, Worthing
Wednesday 12th, 2.30 pm
‘Plant Hunter and Gardener with Passion’
Tom Hart Dyke
with Afternoon Tea
NB: This meeting is being held at
BOXGROVE Village Hall
Wednesday 12th, 7.30 pm
‘Hardy Annuals’
Pamela Holt
preceded by (6.00 – 7.00 pm)
Spring Flower Competition
Tuesday 25th, Depart Lavant 9.15am
RHS Garden Wisley
Whole day coach trip
Wednesday 9th, 7.30 pm
Richard Ramsey
Sunday 11th, 2.00 pm
Annual Plant Sale with Cream Teas
for the whole community.
Wednesday 11th, 7.30 pm
‘Garden Inspiration’
Mark Saunders
preceded by Summer Social
Thursday 26th, 2.00 pm
Self-drive Garden visit
‘Binsted Place’
Wednesday 9th, 7.30 pm
‘From Cutting to Garden Centre
How Plants are
Grown for your Garden’
Graham Spencer
Saturday 2nd, 2.00 pm
Annual Flower Show
for the whole community
Wednesday 10th, 7.30 pm
‘Succession Planting’
Steve Edney
Sunday 14th– Wednesday 17th
‘Essex Gardens Tour’
Wednesday 15th, 7.30 pm
NB this is the 3rd Wednesday of October
Discover the Perfect Plant
for every Place in your Garden’
Andy McIndoe
preceded by (6.00 – 7.00 pm)
Autumn Flower Competition
Wednesday 12th, 7 pm
Annual General Meeting
followed by
‘Gales, Greenhouses &Global Warming’
Ian Currie
Wednesday 10th, 7.30 pm
‘Borde Hill:
Growing from the Past,
Planting for the Future’
Harry Baldwin
Unless otherwise indicated, our meetings are held at
Lavant Memorial Hall, Pook Lane, Lavant, PO18 0AH
If transport is a problem getting to any of our meetings,
just contact any committee member, so we can arrange a lift.