Grow at Home

How to go about it

Click the boxes below to access the information you need:
Preparation, sowing & after-care:
Comprehensive guide
from the RHS
Illustrated guide
fom Gardeners’ World

Growing salad leaves
Gardeners’ World guide

Cut and come again
RHS guide

Herbs in containers
RHS guide with video

Choose your herbs
Guides to individual herbs

Seed sowing techniques:
Comprehensive RHS guide

RHS guide

Successional sowing:
RHS guide

Choose your vegetables:
Individual growing guides

A guide to
Potatoes for Christmas
by the RHS

West Dean Gardens video
Planting potatoes
by Head Gardener, Tom Brown

Another way to grow potatoes
Growing potatoes in bags
from Barry Newman’s talk

Comprehensive guide
How to grow potatoes
from Gardeners’ World


Click for video Tom Brown, Head Gardener at West Dean Gardens, shows how.
to see advice on other
things to do now, go to